dimarts, 24 de gener del 2012


Sorprès agradablement per aquest sistema de presentacions  http://prezi.com/index/

Te de bo que pots fer un macro-planning de tota la presentació en un sol full. Tan sols cal posar els conceptes i idees en el full ( escenificats per texts , videos del youtube, fotos  i  planificar el recorregut de la presentació . Tot es canviable i variable. Podeu fer una presentacio de power classica si trasformeu el vostre ppt en pdf . Us aconsello veure'n algun per que com el power point si abuses del zoom i els giravolts sembla el circ du Soleil.

petons canalla

dimarts, 17 de gener del 2012

Sessions 2012

Hem posat el calendari de les sessions de servei ( Unitats) dels dijous al mati en la seccio SESSIONS / 2012
Recordeu que es tracta de que ho facin els adjunts de la Unitat no els Residents. Tambe hi ha el calendari de les bibliogràfiques i les sessions de residents pero el trobareu buit. Cal que l'ompliu amb un mes vista . Parleu amb els vostres Tutors...!


Al fi !........Mori la Moore ! Una bona idea per un treball !!

1.Injury. 2011 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print]  PMID: 22209383

Monoblock hemiarthroplasties for femoral neck fractures - A part of orthopaedic history? Analysis of national registration of hemiarthroplasties 2005-2009.

Rogmark CLeonardsson OGarellick GKärrholm J.


Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Skane University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden; Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register, Registercentrum VGR, Gothenburg, Sweden.


This study from the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register (SHAR) compares cemented (Thompson(®), Exeter Trauma Stem (ETS)(®)) and uncemented (Austin-Moore(®)) monoblock hemiarthroplasties (n=1116 and 616, respectively) with modular ones (n=18,659). Austin-Moore(®) prostheses lead to more re-operations (6.7%) compared to modular implants (3.5%) and Thompson(®)/ETS(®) (2.4%). A Cox regression analysis, adjusting for other risk factors, shows twice the risk of re-operation for Austin-Moore(®) implants (CI 1.5-2.8), in particular, due to periprosthetic fracture (5.4; CI 3.2-9.1) and dislocation (1.9; CI 1.3-3.0). The Thompson(®)/ETS(®) implants do not influence the overall risk of re-operation (0.7; CI 0.5-1.2) compared to modular implants and decrease the risk of re-operation due to infection (0.2;CI 0.04-0.7). An increased risk of re-operation is also seen in men, age groups 75-85 years and <75 years and after secondary fracture surgery. Both Swedish and Australian orthopaedic surgeons have decreased their use of Austin-Moore(®) implants after reports from their national arthroplasty registers identifying inferior outcome for this implant. Due to the increased risk of re-operations, it should not be used in modern orthopaedic care. Cemented Thompson(®) or ETS(®) implants could still be suitable for the oldest, low-activity patients. To finally decide if there is a place for them, patient-reported outcome must be analysed as well.